Take a Step for the Kingdom

Be part of a community impact team, join a short term mission trip, organise an outreach event with your Life Group, take a course and learn about bringing God’s Kingdom life wherever we are.
Take a Step, Tell Your Story

We have been commissioned by Jesus to announce, proclaim and demonstrate the good news of the kingdom. Kingdom Stories reveal and demonstrate the power of God operating in and through our lives now. Share with us your kingdom stories of freedom, justice, peace, healing, restoration, joy, and encountering God’s presence.

My Life Group has been praying for my reconciliation with my son. We have not been on speaking terms for several years. Recently, I received an unexpected call from him and we began to reconnect. Praise God for answered prayers and the wonderful care from my Life Group.
While driving to the Grampians our car broke down due to a punctured tyre. Our family was spending one week with us from Perth. Our car requires one week to be fixed. With no car and our family visiting, we had every road trip planned. We prayed to Jesus and He answered our prayer. We asked our friend if we can borrow their car and instantly they said yes without any hesitation. Moreover, their car was brand new - just gotten out of the dealership. We thank God for His amazing provision of a car through our friend and we are able to enjoy our road trips with our family from Perth.
We went to Southern Cross Kids Camp Knox at Mt Evelyn with many volunteers from CityLife to assist with providing a week of happy memories for 27 needy children. Part of my duties was to read stories and pray with the children at night. After reading about Jesus stilling the storm, I spoke with a young girl who said before coming to camp she didn't know anything about Jesus. "Nobody ever told me about Jesus and what He did." What a privilege it was to be able to talk about Jesus and His great love to this young girl. Throughout the camp, so many seeds were sown into the lives of a generation who is growing up not knowing about our wonderful Saviour and His love.
Just before Christmas we had a brown snake in our backyard which our cat, Indie, was playing with for about 30 minutes, we couldn't get her away from it. We were pretty sure she had been bitten and from advice of the snake catcher who took the snake away it was likely she would die in the next week. Our kids were so upset and crying, it was horrible. The next thing we knew our eldest daughter came to my wife and said "I think God has just told me that Indie is going to be fine, it just came to me and I wouldn't normally think that sort of thing." From that moment her tears stopped and she had certainty that our cat was going to be fine. Her act of faith changed the atmosphere in our house and brought PEACE to everyone and her faith was not misplaced, the cat is well and will hopefully live a long and happy life.
I grew up at CityLife Church but I stopped attending when I was about 12 years old. Until the middle of 2023 I was left to my own devices. I ended up working for an Only Fans agency and my full-time job was to sell porn. I was addicted to smoking, drinking and had a drug problem too, I couldn't not take substances when I went out and when I did, I couldn't stop. Through the grace of God he called me back to church. I reached out to City Life to do some volunteering, and met Racquel. She told me to come to the service which was running that weekend. It was Melinda Tankard Reist who was speaking. At the end of the service, I ran down to her and told her my current work situation, we had lunch together. By the following Friday I left the agency. A few months later, I was sober and baptised. And I now go to schools and speak on my experiences working at the agency and the dangers of social media, porn and this over sexualised world we live in. I am forever thankful to my Church for being a part of the reason why I am alive today, and so grateful to Jesus for pulling me out of the gutter, giving my life hope and meaning again and I just truly want to spend the rest of my days saving people who were in the same life as me and forever giving all the glory to God for the miracle he did in my life.
A young parent recently went to a medical camp that was set up by one of our World Impact Field Partners. This is what they had to say: "I have been unwell for many years. When I received an invitation from the School about their free medical and dental check-up, I rushed to the school. The staff and doctors were incredibly friendly and accommodating. Not only did I receive a free medical check-up, but I also received free medicine. More importantly, after they prayed for me, I felt a remarkable improvement - the pain in my body and legs disappeared. Thank God!" A great reminder of the healing and transformational work of our God around the globe!
It was an unusually hectic morning. I was constantly on the run, school drop off, buying medicine for my son who had a high fever, work emails to reply and a podiatrist to visit. While waiting for the podiatrist in the clinic mid-morning, I looked out at the clouds in the sky, and God said with assurance, "Breathe - I'm still in control". It's true when Jesus' disciples said of Him: ...even the winds and the waves obey Him! (Matthew 8:27)
I've been having a sleeping disorder for about 12 years. I've visited doctors,specialist and tried many treatments but all failed to improve the problem. Last December I learned to cast my burden on the Lord and shared this problem to my life group sisters, they prayed for me. Then a few days later, since then, I can just sleep through the whole night with enough deep sleep. I finally feel my body is reset and full of energy in the morning. After suffering so many years with sleepless nights and daily fatigue with constant muscles/joints pain, suddenly miraculously my sleeping problem is solved just like this, without so-called scientific answer! Hallelujah to our Father God! How privileged that we have a so wonderful mighty Father God!
Last year, amidst my marriage breakdown and family violence, I felt like I was peeping into my life from the outside and watching it fall to pieces, in unbelief. My prayers often sounded like unintelligible garble that the Holy Spirit lovingly listened to me like a parent would their baby. When different emergency crises hit, I would send SOS messages to my church family who would 'send up incense to the Lord' on my behalf, while I was 'putting out fires'. Night after night, God would show up and sit with me on my bed of tears. During the day, when my chest got tight and my heart raced, God would whisper a scripture into my heart that helped me put one foot in front of the other. It's been a year now since my separation. I can say this with some confidence- The view from the mountain top is absolutely awesome and I long for more of these. But the painful transformative experience of the soul is best reserved for the valley, where a sweet special intimacy with our Lord makes dying to self and living for Him a little more easier. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." - Psalm 46:1"
Johnson was feeling very unwell due to liver function issues and asked for prayer at the front of the auditorium during Prayer Ministry time after service. His doctor suggested more blood test for liver function and a CT scan. Two weeks later Johnson saw the doctor for the reports of the tests and the reports were all normal that the doctor was surprised. The doctor said, "It is ridiculously normal!". From liver function 10 times worse to normal, renal functions normal, tumour marker 0. The doctor was initially suspecting malignancy but that was not the case. Johnson and his family are thankful for prayers for healing and God who healed him.
This is a story about the time I heard God's voice. One Tuesday evening, last October, my daughter and I decided to order pizza because I was so tired. I suggested a nice Italian style pizza but she wanted ordinary pizza. So we ordered ordinary pizza from a nearby restaurant. Pizza came and we started to eat, I thought the Italian style pizza would be nicer even though it's more expensive. I shared the thought with her and she was so furious and didn't want to eat anymore. I apologized but her anger was out of control. I kept apologizing but nothing happened. And I asked God for help. I prayed and asked Him in my mind, what should I say to her. And suddenly a voice came out of nowhere and said "tell her I love you ". I asked Him "are you sure about this? " He said, "Yes, say I love you" So I tried. And it worked! How amazing is that! This is the very first time I heard God speaking to me. How wonderful. He gave me one scripture Ephesians 4. I'm googling and watching videos to learn more about it. It talks about putting off the old self and putting on the new self. Later on I read the chapter and this verse really spoke to me Ephesians 4.26-32.ESV
  Kazuko Tsuji
It was an unusually hectic morning. I was constantly on the run, school drop off, buying medicine for my son who had a high fever, work emails to reply and a podiatrist to visit. While waiting for the podiatrist in the clinic mid-morning, I looked out at the clouds in the sky, and God said with assurance, "Breathe - I'm still in control". It's true when Jesus' disciples said of Him: ... even the winds and the waves obey Him! (Matthew 8:27)
  Dennis Lim
At the start of this year I was faced with a major issue at my workplace. One of my staff member was reported for breaching a code of ethics. This could have consequence with her to be suspended and other business impact. I escalated the issue to my manager and we immediately handled the issue with other relevant managers. She said because I escalated the issue straight away, now I don't have to worry about it as it's being handled by the upper management. They managed to find a root cause that has much less impact to the business and also the employee. From this I was reminded, that whenever we have a problem, escalate it & surrender it to God. God will take care of it & we just need to be still (Exodus 14:14). I also feel so much pressure that I feel like to quit, but I was reminded, not to rely on my own strength but rely on God. I need to keep praying for my work in any situation (Prov3:5-6).
  Fenny Ng
My name is Khalid and I am one of the students and a beneficiary of a scholarship program in my school in South Asia. Through the support of CityLife, the school has indeed been very instrumental to help me complete my studies. I am the first one to get an education in my family and have just graduated. I am now part of the teaching staff and am giving back to my community and the same school that helped transform my life and my family. I am very grateful to the school management, teachers and to CityLife for this educational program helping many children like me to get quality education, change lives and make our whole community better. God Bless you all!
  Amanda Saenz
We had a very challenging holiday to remember early this year. Our family of 10 flew to Malaysia for our very first family holiday. The moment we touched down, my son was sick. One after another, all 10 of us were sick with a virus. The day my daughter's family was due to fly to Phuket, my son in law pumped himself with medication. Upon arrival at the hotel in Phuket, he realised that he absently left his travel bag with the family's passports in the taxi. My daughter texted me to inform me of the lost passports. Immediately l contacted our life group to ask for prayers. With the help of the hotel concierge, the Thai police, the CCTV and most importantly, the prayers, they managed to retrieve their passports. The amazing thing is, the people who took the passports, not only returned the passports but left some cash in the wallet. They did not expect to see any cash at all. Although a large amount of cash was taken, they had the compassion to leave some cash. Praise the Lord for answered prayers. The Lows Mount Waverley
  Leng Low
My wife and I have always tithed and tried to be generous. However, over the last few months we slacked off from tithing the first fruits of what we received. As a result, we allowed expenses to come first and we didn't always give as much as what we would normally. Unknowingly, God challenged both of us at the same time about giving to God first. As soon as I got paid I tithed with a little bit extra. Then, without knowing what I had done, my wife also did the same thing. We didn't realise what the other had done until we spoke. We laughed that God had spoken to both of us at the same time. But now we had to deal with the reality that this was an expensive month for our family with two of our kids having birthdays. However, God gave both of us peace that He would supply all our needs. Sure enough a day or two later we received an unexpected financial gift that meant we could still be generous with our kids and give them a great party. We thank God for His peace and provision!
  James Thompson
Have you ever experienced the time that you have a burning question for some time and suddenly you got the answer without speaking to someone? I get that a lot and most of the time I believe that it is God answering me. Last night I had a conversation with my 4-year-old daughter. She asked me what my mom's name was and also confirmed if my mom was with God already. I said yes. My mom died 10 years ago. It triggered a memory that has bothered me for around 6-7 years ago; I can't remember what the start of the conversation was, but I remember that I was sharing my mom's deathbed and my best friend's mum (I call her Tita Carol) insisted to speak with my mom. At that point, my mom is still conscious but can't speak as she's intubated. Tita Carol managed to see my mom and guided my mom to pray a prayer of salvation. She died a few hours after that. I was so grateful that she managed to pray just before dying that I felt at peace when she passed away as I can't be with her, I am in Australia and she's in the Philippines. One of the people I was sharing with has said (He's a long-time Christian and these are his exact words): "I don't understand how people think that salvation works that way. Just because you are about to die, you are just suddenly a follower of God". My mom is a Catholic. Even though I know that my mom has lived a righteous life, these words haunted me for a very long time. Going back to the present; I was driving to work this morning and was bothered by that memory; then just out of the blue, I had a vision of the criminals that were crucified with Jesus. The one criminal that has believed in Jesus as he faces death himself and JESUS ACCEPTED HIM! I felt a huge relief, I was crying my eyes out. I now have a stronger faith that my mom indeed is with God right now and I will see her again someday!
  Catherine Bell
I've been having a sleeping disorder for about 12 years. I've visited doctors,specialist and tried many treatments but all failed to improve the problem. Last December I learned to cast my burden on the Lord and shared this problem to my life group sisters, they prayed for me. Then a few days later, since then, I can just sleep through the whole night with enough deep sleep. I finally feel my body is reset and full of energy in the morning. After suffering so many years with sleepless nights and daily fatigue with constant muscles/joints pain, suddenly miraculously my sleeping problem is solved just like this, without so-called scientific answer! Hallelujah to our Father God! How privileged that we have a so wonderful mighty Father God!
  Sue Wang
Every year I volunteer for Southern Cross Kids' Camps Knox. During the 6 days away I always feel very close to God. At this time, I always feel right in the centre of his will. I know I am in the right place, at the right time, doing exactly what God wants me to do.
  Elizabeth G
Last year my daughter had a terrible asthma attack and spent a number of days in Box Hill Hospital. This year she needs some unrelated surgery and the surgeon wanted to see her at Box Hill Hospital. Driving to the hospital, the fear of last year's incident overwhelmed her and she began to panic. I began to pray as I was driving and unable to stop safely. I asked her to breathe with me as I prayed, I said inhale "I am safe" exhale "because He loves me" and we continued to do this until we arrived at the hospital and she got out of the car calm and ready for her appointment, her fears gone, and filled with His peace.
  Angela Grace
Last year, amidst my marriage breakdown and family violence, I felt like I was peeping into my life from the outside and watching it fall to pieces, in unbelief. My prayers often sounded like unintelligible garble that the Holy Spirit lovingly listened to me like a parent would their baby. When different emergency crises hit, I would send SOS messages to my church family who would 'send up incense to the Lord' on my behalf, while I was 'putting out fires'. Night after night, God would show up and sit with me on my bed of tears. During the day, when my chest got tight and my heart raced, God would whisper a scripture into my heart that helped me put one foot in front of the other. It's been a year now since my separation. I can say this with some confidence- The view from the mountain top is absolutely awesome and I long for more of these. But the painful transformative experience of the soul is best reserved for the valley, where a sweet special intimacy with our Lord makes dying to self and living for Him a little more easier. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." --Psalm 46:1
  Rita George
I went to a local Primary school as a Kids Hope mentor to meet with a student (referred to as "Z") whom I have not seen since the end of last year. Z is one of the students selected to be in the Kids Hope program due to her difficult family circumstances. Unlike her usual bubbly self, Z was not very engaging at our first meeting . After half an hour of persistently trying to find a topic of conversation to engage with her and failing, I prayed to God for wisdom on what to do. Out of the blue, one of the staff member came into the staff room and told us that we cannot use the room. Z jumped in to try to explain why we couldn't use the other room, but she was rudely told not to speak. I listened to the staff member and told her we would leave soon. I turned back to Z and continued with my conversation with her. Z started talking to me in a quiet tone and her attitude towards me changed. I'm not exactly sure what really happened, but I believe she felt that I really cared for her unlike the staff member who rudely asked her to stop speaking. Maybe my little act of love and kindness touched her because she was used to being spoken to rudely or being neglected by her own family members. I learnt that sharing a little of God's love with those who never know the love of God is powerful.
  Justina Chok
During our life group meeting one of our life group members asked for prayer for a cough she has had for months which resulted in her losing her sense of smell. We prayed and she was healed and her sense of smell is restored! Praise God
  Vincent Loh

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We recognise the sovereignty and Lordship of the one true God, revealed through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land where we work and live, the Kulin Nation, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.